French Bulldogs From Europe


The French Bulldogs From Europe Story

A little story about Us


Hi, my name is Gabor.

Let me introduce myself and my family.
I work and bred these beautiful and intelligent French Bulldogs for more than 20 years.
But the whole story began earlier.
I remember how happy I was when I got my first pet, a little puppy from my father one day.
There was no special event (for example my birthday), he simply arrived at home together with that puppy.
That moment was the first time I had a pet alone, only for me.
From that day something changed. There was a dog, who asked for my attention and food.
Later we often went for a walk to the local little lake.
He gave me a lot of happiness and I liked to play with him, when I was a little sad or tired.

My second experience was a few years later when our female dog had her first litter. I was very excited.
On that day a special event was began. At that moment when I saw the birth of those little puppies and I saw
them together with their mom, I made a decision.
- I would like to work with dogs," I told my father.
- He laughed a little, then replied: I assumed this, I saw that "happiness" in your eyes for a few days.
My decision was not a big surprise for him, he also worked with frenchies and other breeds for years.

These moments in my earlier life were the main reasons for my decision.
I love to work with our frenchies, my family is always here to help me. We do this together.
Because we usually have many dogs and puppies in our kennel, we need to take care of every frenchie.
We have to discover any signs of a sad or ill dog. We are responsible to them.

Nowadays I'm happy, because I see that our children also love these frenchies and they are happy when they can help in something about them.
This is very important for me, because I saw that my lot of work and my Bulldog Blue-Efficency kennel probably will remain for many years in the future.
The best moment is when they show these frenchies to their friends. And they happily tell them how they work with these frenchies.

The French Bulldogs From Europe Team

Finally, there is a little additional information.
We are not a big company with plans to sell everything.
We simply want to do the best and we really want to ship all of the frenchies to good families where these dogs will have a happy life.
This is very important for us.

Would you like to get some information where our French Bulldogs arrive?
Please open the following link and you can see some feedback too.


Would you like to get information about our breeding program and experience?
Please open the following link:

How We Breed Our Puppies

French Bulldogs From Europe Team

French Bulldogs From Europe

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French Bulldogs From Europe
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